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  Amphibian Acrobats!

 Superlative Birds! 

2016-11-14 Coginchaug kayak trail Middletown red-tailed hawk juvenile
2016-11-26 Haddam Meadows (5)a red-bellied woodpecker
Carolina wren
male bobolink
Great blue heron
American robin
Northern cardinal
leucistic house finch
female bobolink
Glossy ibis
American woodcock chick
Robin's nest under our eaves
Song sparrow
Eastern phoebe
Tree swallow
Brown-headed cowbird
Northern jacana
Eastern bluebird
Great crested flycatcher
American Woodcock mama
Canada goose family
Common yellowthroat
Indigo bunting at our feeder
Orchard oriole
Northern rough-winged swallows
yellow warbler
Red-winged blackbird display
Cattle egret
Baltimore Oriole

Leaf Litter Critters!

hand-painted map of the continent of Africa depicting current and historic African Elephant ranges

The Elephant Map Project

I was honored to be invited to create the poem "Elephant Gardeners" for this beautiful hand-painted map highlighting the plight of African elephants, designed by artist-cartographer Connie Brown and Katie Losey. We hop this fundraising effort to benefit the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, together with the efforts of many other organizations, will help save these remarkable and important animals from extinction in our lifetimes. For information about this moving and educational work of art, including how to purchase a poster or limited print please visit The Elephant Map Project.

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